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Below are a few fun bicycle stereocards. Way before television (about 1860 to the turn of the century), these special photographs were a way to capture and view interesting scenery and events with almost three-dimensional realism. The cards were designed to be placed in a stereo viewer that you held up and looked through.

But, you can also get the 3D effect looking at them right here on this webpage by simply crossing your eyes and staring at them (one at a time; look at the middle and you'll see a third image appear that's in 3-D). With a little imagination you'll feel like you turned back the clock and are right there in the scene. Give it a try!

If you have any bicycle stereocards you could scan and send to me to share, I'd be delighted to add them to this page and give you credit. Just let me know. (Note that the top three cards can be viewed much larger by clicking on them.)

Click to enlarge!
Bellows & Son's Bicycle Department in Littleton, New Hampshire (courtesy of David Browder)
Click to enlarge!
Portsmouth, New Hampshire highwheelers (courtesy of David Browder)
Click to enlarge!

Courtesy of David Browder


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